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رسالة جامعية

The effects of drugs and nerve stimulation on isolated arterial strips, perfused isolated arteries and on blood-perfused arterial beds in situ


(1975). The effects of drugs and nerve stimulation on isolated arterial strips, perfused isolated arteries and on blood-perfused arterial beds in situ. (رسالة جامعية، King's College).


. The effects of drugs and nerve stimulation on isolated arterial strips, perfused isolated arteries and on blood-perfused arterial beds in situ. رسالة جامعية. King's College, 1975,


1975, The effects of drugs and nerve stimulation on isolated arterial strips, perfused isolated arteries and on blood-perfused arterial beds in situ (رسالة جامعية، King's College).


"The effects of drugs and nerve stimulation on isolated arterial strips, perfused isolated arteries and on blood-perfused arterial beds in situ." رسالة جامعية، King's College, 1975.